Amazon Finally Changes ‘Amazon Mom’ To ‘Amazon Family’ In United States

(Chris Routly)
“Keeping the name ‘mom’ was sending out a pretty loud message what Amazon thought about family and gender roles,” one of the leaders told the Chicago Tribune. “We saw it as an opportunity for them to send a strong message about what modern families look like. That’s why it was important.” Shopping and parenting aren’t only done by women, and never were.
Campaigners made their campaign a little bit louder in March as a tribute to a stay-at-home father and longtime campaigner against the “Amazon Mom” branding who died of cancer at age 42.
Dads who are full-time caregivers or who just occasionally take care of their own children found the program’s discounts useful, but its marketing e-mails aimed exclusively at “moms” irritating. Amazon quietly changed the program and its branding this week, notifying leaders of the campaign.
Finally, quietly, Amazon Mom changes its name to Amazon Family [Chicago Tribune]
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