Coming Soon: Facebook Will Ask If You’re Really, Really Sure You Want To Upload That Photo From Last Night

Oh, hey. (Wrathernaut)
From sweaty, glass-eyed booze-fueled selfies to photos of your children that the public could see, Facebook says it’s working on AI that will help stop those pics from hitting the Internet.
Speaking at a Facebook event in London reported by Business Insider, the company’s vice president of engineering, Jay Parikh, said image recognition software will start alerting folks if they’re about to upload certain types of photos that maybe shouldn’t be viewed by everyone they know, using new AI technology that it’s building into its image recognition software.
So for example, an ill-advised photo of genitalia? asked an Irish comedian present at the event. Yes, just like that, Parikh assured him. Or if you’ve got a great shot of your kids that the general public just doesn’t need access to, Parikh added.
“If I were to upload a photo of my kids playing at the park and I accidentally had it shared with the public, this system could say hey wait a minute, this photo is of your kids,” he said. “Normally you post this to just your family members. Are you sure you want to do this?”
It’s unclear at this point how long it’ll take for the feature to be rolled out to user accounts, however.
“It’s still really on, these are demos right now. They have not made it into our products,” said Parikh. “We have to figure out that still.”
Facebook’s AI software could soon stop users from accidentally posting rude photos online [Business Insider]
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