Amazon Gets Out Of The Hotel Booking Business After Only 6 Months

Amazon Destinations stopped taking reservations on Tuesday, marking the end to the e-commerce giant’s hotel booking venture. [click to enlarge]
The service, which sought to pair locals up with a getaway at select hotels, stopped accepting reservations on Tuesday.
According to a notice posted on the site, previously booked reservations are still valid and will be honored.
“We have learned a lot and have decided to discontinue Amazon Destinations,” the company said in a statement to Bloomberg.
The service allowed hoteliers at about 150 properties in the Northeast, southern California and the Pacific Northwest the choice to offer lodgings through Amazon at either their published rates or for discounts and packaged deals, with only select days available at most.
Many of the hotels that listed rooms on Amazon Destinations when it launched were independent hotels, but there were also some large brands in the mix.
“These are all handpicked properties that have been visited by someone at Amazon to make sure they meet our quality,” a spokesperson for the company said back in April.
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