Cheap Gas Prices Could Mean Travel Headaches This Labor Day Weekend

Folks heading out of town will be taking advantage of those low prices during the upcoming holiday weekend, AAA predicted, according to the Chicago Tribune, with more people traveling this year than in any year since 2008.
AAA expects 35.5 million people to take trips of 50 miles or more over the weekend, while airports will also be busier this year, compared to last year’s holiday.
“A strong labor market, coupled with greater job security and rising home prices, have all helped to increase disposable income,” Beth Mosher of AAA Chicago said in a news release. “Though some consumers remain cautious, these positive indicators are driving a slight increase and allowing millions of Americans to travel on one last summer getaway.”
If you do get stuck in a traffic jam or two, might I suggest I Spy or 20 Questions? Or my personal favorite, the one where you have to hit all the letters of the alphabet using the first letter in passing signs or any other reading material — outside the car. That’s a good one. Check out this post from Mashable for more family-friendly ideas.
Low gas prices will fuel heavy Labor Day holiday traffic, AAA says [Chicago Tribune]
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