labor day

Cheap Gas Prices Could Mean Travel Headaches This Labor Day Weekend

Cheap Gas Prices Could Mean Travel Headaches This Labor Day Weekend

While we’ve all been dancing around at the gas pump over the news that fuel prices are cheap nationwide right now on average and will keep dropping until it’s below $2 a gallon, there’s a potential down side to the cheap gas glory: an estimated 35.5 million Americans will hit the road for Labor Day weekend, spurred in part by the low cost of gas. More people driving translates into more cars on the road, which could mean you’ll be stuck playing car games while waiting for traffic to move. [More]

Jeff Archer

Labor Day Weekend Travel Expected To Finally Hit Pre-Recession Levels

Labor Day weekend kicks off in August this year, and fuel prices are lower than usual. So the folks at AAA say it’s bound to be a busy, crowded weekend on the road and in the air. The latest predictions put Labor Day travel at the highest it’s been since the recession began in 2008, with nearly 34.7 million Americans hitting the open road and 2.65 million boarding planes. [AAA] [More]


What To Binge-Watch If You’re Staying In This Holiday Weekend

Sad that the summer holiday season is ending? Or maybe you’re burned out and cash-poor from going out too frequently? If you’re stuck inside this weekend, you might as well close the curtains, crack open some snacks and binge-watch entire seasons of shows like Orange Is the New Black, The Fall, and Vikings. The folks at have curated a list of 26 shows you could cram into a weekend (not at once, unless you are able to watch several TVs simultaneously without losing your grip on reality), along with info on where to stream each show. [] [More]

Why You're Not At Work Today: The History Of Labor Day

Why You're Not At Work Today: The History Of Labor Day

While you’re lolling about by the grill and enjoying that frosty beer, you should know why it is your hard work is celebrated on the first day of September every year. Let’s learn about Labor Day, shall we? And pass the chips. [More]

This "Labor Day" Car Ad Was Very Well Thought Out Indeed

This "Labor Day" Car Ad Was Very Well Thought Out Indeed

Reader David asks:

Bank of America’s Fraud Department Takes a Holiday

Reader Jessica is clearly a red-blooded American. She demands service, and above all, LABOR, from her fellow countrymen and -women, even on national holidays, especially on Labor Day.