Police Make Arrest After Hearse With A Body Inside Is Stolen From Atlanta Hospital

A police spokesman told WSB-TV that it appeared the thief smashed through the gates of the hospital’s morgue to get away with the hearse after taking the car’s keys from the funeral home driver, though the vehicle was then deserted a few blocks away.
Police said the man then tried to take another car, but the driver sped off before he could be successful. He did manage to steal a Ford Explorer that pulled up behind the hearse at a stoplight, according to authorities.
“He walked to the truck and was talking to the driver and got out, walked to passenger side and just took off,” a witness told WSB-TV.
The funeral home that owns the hearse arrived to remove the body and transfer it to another vehicle.
“It’s just when you think about it even the dead cannot rest in peace,” said the owner of the funeral home.
Someone else with the funeral home said it seems the carjacker was a patient at the hospital, and managed to get away with the hearse as the hospital security guards that usually escort drivers to the car were unable to accompany the driver that day.
Police eventually caught up with the suspect and both stolen vehicles, and arrested him. He’s scheduled to appear in court today.
Police: Hearse stolen with deceased person inside [WSB-TV]
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