Terrible People Have Stolen 25 Chickens From Nonprofit’s Coop In Series Of Heists

Thieves in Northern California have been targeting a chicken coop owned by a nonprofit farming group that works with disabled adults, reports CBS Sacramento, stealing chickens three times in one month. A total of 25 chickens have gone missing — with the last heist this weekend completely clearing out the coop.
The chickens are raised from hatchlings by 27 disabled adults who take care of them every day.
“It’s really taught them a sense of accomplishment, and it’s really broadened their horizons of learning how to take care of something, because many of them don’t have the opportunity to care for another being, let alone an animal,” said one of the nonprofit’s workers in charge.
The coop break-ins have been tough on the group, she adds.
“It’s sad to explain that somebody bad out there just keeps doing this to them and it’s not right.”
The group has now turned to the community for help, with a sign out front offering a $100 reward for every hen that’s returned. It’s also installed new barbed wire fencing around the coop in an effort to keep thieves at bay.
Thieves Steal Chickens From Marysville Nonprofit For Disabled Adults [CBS Sacramento]
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