Amazon Prime Members Less Likely To Visit, When Shopping Online

(Nazra Z)
In recent months big box retailers like Walmart and Target have attempted to thwart Amazon’s growing influence over consumers with a variety of new policies such as reducing the minimum purchase required for free shipping and allowing price-matching with the online retailer (although, that effort didn’t’ last long). But, according to a new report, those measure might amount to “too little, too late” when it comes to Amazon Prime shoppers.
Forbes reports that Amazon’s $99 a year subscription service has already started to crowd out traditional retailers like Walmart and Target when it comes to the likelihood consumers will visit more than one marketplace when shopping online.
A new report from research consultant Millward Brown Digital found that consumers with Prime accounts – of which there are reportedly 40 million subscribers – are less likely to visit other retail sites when making online purchases.
An analysis of the buying patterns of more than two million online consumers concluded that less than 1% of Prime members are likely to consider other mass-market retailers like or after visiting the Amazon marketplace.
Consumers without a Prime membership, on the other hand, are eight times more likely than a Prime member to shop between different online retailers.
It was more bad news for traditional retailers when it comes to consumers actually making a purchase. On average, 63% of Amazon Prime members carry out a transaction when visiting the site, while just 2% of shoppers purchase something during their visit. Walmart fared just slightly better with 5% of shoppers making a purchase online.
But there were a few Prime members who actually spread the wealth, as the study found 6% of consumers have bought on all three sites.
Walmart And Target Being Crowded Out Online By Amazon Prime [Forbes]
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