It doesn’t happen a lot, especially if you’re an Amazon Prime member, but occasionally if you order an item from an Amazon third-party seller you might end up with an item shipped in a Target box, or containing a shipping receipt from Walmart. It’s not illegal or a scam, but it probably means you paid more than you should have. [More]

Target CEO: “Unacceptable” That Its Stores Have Empty Shelves
Target is trying to compete with Walmart on prices, and with Amazon on both price and delivery times. In all that confusion of fighting battles on different fronts, the retailer has had trouble doing one really important thing: keep its stores’ shelves stocked. And that, says Target CEO Brian Cornell, is not cool. [More] Still Can’t Handle Heavy Traffic, Crashes During Lilly Pulitzer Launch
When Target relaunched its website in 2011, it was a disaster, unable to keep up with the level of demand — especially for limited-time offerings involved big-name designers. Nearly four years later, one would assume that Target had learned from its initial shortcomings, but crashed again over the weekend as customers rushed to score Lilly Pulitzer products. [More]

Amazon Prime Members Less Likely To Visit, When Shopping Online
In recent months big box retailers like Walmart and Target have attempted to thwart Amazon’s growing influence over consumers with a variety of new policies such as reducing the minimum purchase required for free shipping and allowing price-matching with the online retailer (although, that effort didn’t’ last long). But, according to a new report, those measure might amount to “too little, too late” when it comes to Amazon Prime shoppers. [More]

Target Now Offering Free Shipping On Orders Of $50 Or More
In an effort to cut out a bigger piece of the online retail pie, Target has announced that almost all orders that total at least $50 will qualify for free shipping. [More]

Target, Where Assassin’s Creed III Is Discounted Online But Not Available To Buy Online
Consumerist reader Ethan wants to buy the new video game Assassin’s Creed III but, like any good shopper, doesn’t want to pay full price if he doesn’t have to. So he was thrilled to see that is selling AC3 for 17% off the sticker price — oh wait, no it isn’t. [More]

Why You Shouldn't Use PayPal On At All
In past reader stories posted to this site, we’ve learned that if you you use PayPal to buy an item from Target online, then later return it, you’re only going to get store credit back. That’s cool if you shop at Target a lot, but not so cool if you don’t. Now Bethany has discovered an exciting and infuriating variation on this concept. If you order something from Target using PayPal and it’s never delivered, sure, you’ll get a refund. In the form of an e-gift card to Target. [More]

Now Available At Target: The Cordless Tea Kettle
Would it technically be possible to have a cordless electric tea kettle? It doesn’t exist yet (Dyson is probably working on it as we speak) but in the reality-free zone that is Target, anything is possible. And cordless tea kettles come with a generous amount of cord storage. [More] President Leaves Glitchy Mess That Is
Following yesterday’s unexpected and still unexplained crash of — not to mention all the other problems the site has had since launching in late August — the website’s president, Steve Eastman has “left the company to pursue other opportunities.” We’re going to assume those other opportunities involve “looking for a job” and “catching up on Breaking Bad.” [More]

Report: Is A Glitchy Mess
After a decade under the roof, Target finally took over its own e-commerce site in late August. And while the retailer has made headlines ever since, they haven’t exactly been good news for Target. [More]

Target Won't Stop Charging My Debit Card For Purchase I Made Weeks Ago
Consumerist reader Lauren is caught in an ugly loop with the billing folks at It seems she made a purchase a couple weeks back on the Target site and paid with her debit card. She eventually received everything, but now Lauren says that Target is continually authorizing her debit card for random amounts up to two times per week. [More]

Target And Are Not The Same Company, So Just Deal With It
Reader Patricia is angry and somewhat baffled by Target’s insistence that Target and are not the same company and its not a Target store’s problem if the website is messed up and tells you to drive 25 miles to buy something that isn’t in stock. [More]