Home Depot Employees Build Custom Wagon For Cancer-Stricken Dog

The woman tells KABC-TV that she wanted to build a cart to help tote around her 15-year-old dog Ike, who has cancer in his leg. She went to the Home Depot in Hawthorne, CA, where she asked for some input from an employee.
“I showed him the cart that I was trying to use and I asked him, ‘What can I do to change this cart and build it so that it’s longer or his size?’ He just shook his head and said, ‘Let me give it some thought and I’ll call you later,'” she recalls.
But rather than just sketch up something for the customer to assemble, the Home Depot worker and another employee went ahead and built a new wagon, complete with built-on ramp, for the pooch.
“I offered to build this for her and let her know that it’s something that Home Depot offers – giving back to our customers,” explains the employee, who is also building a ramp to help get Ike in and out of the car.
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