NYC’s Ban On Plastic Foam Food Containers Goes Into Effect This Summer

The July 1 start date will make New York City the largest city in the country to ban the containers, which have invoked the ire of environmentalists for a long time now.
“These products cause real environmental harm and have no place in New York City,” said de Blasio in a statement announcing the ban, according to the Associated Press. “We have better options, better alternatives, and if more cities across the country follow our lead and institute similar bans, those alternatives will soon become more plentiful and will cost less.”
This means no halal carts, taco trucks or restaurants of any kind can use plastic foam cups or takeout containers, and plastic packing peanuts will disappear from store shelves in the city as well.
“While much of the waste we produce can be recycled or reused, polystyrene foam is not one of those materials,” said Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia. “Removing polystyrene from our waste stream is not only good for a greener, more sustainable New York, but also for the communities who are home to landfills receiving the city’s trash.”
NYC will begin banning restaurant plastic foam in July [Associated Press]
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