Only a few months after it launched — and within the three-month free membership window — is changing up how it works: the company is ditching the $50 annual membership fee it had charged shoppers for upfront discounts, and will instead stick with offering smaller discounts on large orders. [More]
well that was quick

Judge Overturns NYC Ban On Foam Containers
New York City’s ban on plastic foam containers — what you may call styrofoam — didn’t live for long after going into effect this summer: a judge overturned the prohibition on foam takeout containers, coffee cups, egg cartons and other vessels, saying the city hadn’t fully explored cost-effective recycling methods. [More]

Apple Music Changes Its Tune, Will Pay Artists During 3-Month Free Trial
Breaking news: It appears that musicians would like to be paid for their work. After Apple announced it’d be giving customers a free three-month trial of its new streaming Music service, artists and others who contribute to making music weren’t too pleased to find out they’d be receiving royalties of 70% of nothing for that time period. The company has now changed its tune, and says it will pay musicians after all. [More]

Palcohol, We Hardly Knew Ye: Feds Quickly Reverse Approval Of Powdered Alcohol
Yesterday it was like you couldn’t turn around on the Internet without running into the hubbub about Palcohol, a powdered alcohol meant to be mixed with water sort of like Kool-Aid, but boozy. The astonishing thing? The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau had apparently blessed the product with its approval. That approval proved fleeting, as the agency reversed itself last night. [More]