Lazy Trendsters Can Take The Easy Way With Tweed Jacket Already Imbued With The Scent Of Whiskey

Spirits purveyor Johnnie Walker has teamed up with clothing company Harris Tweed Hebrides to create the trendster’s shortcut to acting like some kind of classy gentleman/academic/ultra cool intellectual/hipster/grandpa anymore with a new line of tweed jackets that arrive already smelling of whiskey, reports Metro UK.
Because it’s just so hard to buy whiskey and spill it on yourself (actually, wait…), the textile reportedly features rich malt and dark chocolate tones with golden vanilla. Jackets come with blue, pink or yellow highlights and can be dry cleaned without losing that manufactured whiskey scent.
“The process we have devised for Johnnie Walker means that this scent is layered into the fabric throughout the finishing process and is permanently imbued in the tweed,” explains Donald Mackay, head of the finishing department at the Harris Tweed mill.
Meanwhile, someone has yet to invent bed sheets that smell like cheddar cheese. And taste like it. Edible sheets, is that so much to ask?
Designers create a tweed jacket that naturally smells of whisky [Metro UK]
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