Walmart Workers Chain Massive Food Donation Bin Outside Home Of Alice Walton

(photo: @other98)
Just days after another Walmart launched the holiday giving season by placing a food donation bin for employees to help out their co-workers in need, some workers have placed a much larger bin outside the home of someone who makes a little bit more than $10/hour from the nation’s largest retailer — Alice Walton.
Alice is the daughter of Walmart founder Sam Walton. And while the business is publicly traded, the Walton family owns more than half of that stock, making Alice one of the world’s wealthiest people.
In Forbes’ latest list of billionaires, she ranked 10th, with a net worth of $38.8 billion, right behind her sister-in-law Christy (#8, with $41.3 billion) and brother Jim (#9, $40.2 billion), but ahead of older brother and Walmart Chairman S. Robson Walton (#11, $38.7 billion).
The massive purple bin was chained outside of Alice’s tony Park Avenue building, making this the closest thing to Walmart that you’ll find in Manhattan.
“We don’t want charity,” reads the message to Ms. Walton on the bin. “We want decent pay.”
This stunt comes in advance of the planned picketing/strikes outside of some Walmart stores during the upcoming Thanksgiving/Black Friday shopping weekend.
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