Best Buy’s Stupid Shipping Gang Sends 45 Packs Of Pens In 45 Separate Boxes

Everyone loves that pumpkin, right? (Reddit)
Actually, so far it’s only 33 separate boxes from Best Buy, so far. Consumerist reader Michael B. sent us Reddit’s way, where a redditor says he found a great deal online and decided heck, I could be stocked up on pens for life:
“Best buy had some pens on sale for 50¢. I ordered 45. They sent them to me in 45 different boxes… Free shipping,” he writes on Reddit.
Then came the box parade, each carrying its single item, carefully packed:

In an additional post he updates the situation, remarking that there are 12 boxes that have yet to make their way home, writing, “Edit: Turns out I only got 33. 12 more to go. :/”
At least it’s free shipping, right?
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