Portable Toilet Waste Tanker Drops Its Load Of Cleaning Fluid On California Highway After Collision

NBC Bay Area news reports that the morning rush-hour got off to a messy start when a tanker carrying portable toilet cleaner was involved with a collision, spilling the liquid on the roadway.
NBC Bay Area reports that a big rig used to carry sewage from portable toilets tipped over on Interstate 280 just after 5 a.m., creating quite a mess.
Although the tanker didn’t contain any human waste at the time of the accident, it did leak about 100 gallons of deodorizer onto the roadway.
California Highway Patrol officials say the tip over of the rig happened after a BMW lost control and crashed into the tanker. The collision then created a chain reaction involving five other vehicles.
Officers say the incident resulted in only minor injuries.
While the Highway Patrol is unsure how the BMW’s spinout occurred, they believe light rain may have caused slick road conditions.
Port-a-Potty Tanker Messes Up Commute in San Jose [NBC Bay Area]
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