Florida Restaurant Won’t Provide Ketchup Or Salt For Customers Over The Age Of 10

The Fort Myers restaurant says it on its website and right there on the menu in big red letters — “Chef reserves the right to refuse service of ketchup!!!” reports NBC-2.
There’s also no salt on tables, or other extraneous condiments, as the chef says he just wants people to trust that he knows how to season things.
“The worst I had was a woman who pulled parmesan cheese and ketchup out of her bag, and I said ‘don’t do that,'” he said of one condiment-crazed patron. “She never came back.”
He spent two years studying French cuisine, and isn’t about to change his mind on how he cooks for anyone.
“That’s the way I make it,” he said. “You eat it or don’t come back.”
Consumerist reader Keith pointed out that I had missed something HUGE in relaying this story, and for that, I apologize to Keith and also Ms. Ball:
Hold the ketchup at one Ft. Myers bistro [NBC-2]
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