Heinz ketchup in glass bottles has been around for over 140 years, and for all of that time, aspiring condiment-eaters have been working hard to actually get the stuff out of the bottle. Fortunately for our fries, there are scientists who study this kind of thing, and have shared the best way to get ketchup out without splattering it or resorting to sticking a knife in the bottle. [More]

QR Code On Ketchup Bottles Points To Porn Because Of Expired Domain
When you’re setting up a 4th of July barbecue in a couple of weeks, you might want to make sure none of the kids or sensitive souls nearby scan the QR code on the Heinz ketchup. That’s because, thanks to an expired promotion, the site it leads to isn’t fun ketchup marketing… it’s hardcore porn. [More]

The World’s Largest Catsup Bottle Is Still For Sale
Dreams of uniting the World’s Largest Catsup bottle with the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile have proven to be just that, dreams: After a year on the market, the famous Collinsville, IL structure is still waiting for its soul mate to arrive with $500,000. [More]

Heinz, French’s Go After Each Other’s Flagship Condiment With New Mustard, Ketchup Offerings
Take a peek in many consumers’ refrigerators and you’ll likely find a bottle of ketchup from Heinz and a bottle of yellow mustard from French’s. That typical scenario could soon be turned on its head now that the two companies are encroaching on each other’s turf with Heinz finally jumping into the mustard market with both feet and French’s entering the tomato fray with its own take on ketchup. [More]

Federal Jury Rules Heinz Didn’t Rip Off Man’s Idea For Single-Serve Ketchup Packets
A Michigan food industry entrepreneur lost his fight against H.J. Heinz Co. this week, when a federal jury ruled yesterday that the company didn’t rip off his idea with its Dip & Squeeze single-serve ketchup packets. [More]

Entrepreneur Claims Heinz Copied His Idea With “Dip & Squeeze” Ketchup Packets
We’re sure you’ve had that feeling when you see a new invention trotted out by a big company, that moment of, “Hey, I totally had that idea first!” A Michigan entrepreneur took that feeling and turned it into a lawsuit against H.J. Heinz Co., saying the company ripped off his invention when creating its “Dip & Squeeze” ketchup packets. [More]

HJ Heinz Buying Kraft In Deal That Will Create One Huge Food Giant
Usually when two parties walk down that aisle and say “I do” in front of everyone, there are a few whispers from those assembled wondering when the twosome will settle down and start making children. In the case of Heinz and Kraft, everyone already knows what their union will produce — a giant food company baby. [More]

Heinz Jumps On The Thai Hot Sauce Bandwagon, Debuts Sriracha Flavored Ketchup
One of America’s most iconic condiment makers is embracing the “it” condiment of recent years: Sriracha. That’s right, H.J. Heinz Company is spicing things up with a new Sriracha-flavored ketchup. [More]

Florida Restaurant Won’t Provide Ketchup Or Salt For Customers Over The Age Of 10
Listen, you’re old enough now and it’s time we had the talk: Not everything you eat needs to be slathered in ketchup and encrusted in salt. I know, it’s harsh, but that’s what happens when you choose to eat at one Florida restaurant, where ketchup and salt won’t be provided to patrons over 10 years old. [More]

“The World’s Largest Bottle Of Catsup” Can Be Yours For Only $500,000
I know, I don’t call it “catsup” either, but the fact remains that a huge bottle of the tomato-based condiment is for sale, which means someone will soon be crowned the owner of “The World’s Largest Bottle Of Catsup.” [More]

Mayonnaise Defeats Ketchup For The Title Of Condiment King In America
You squirt it on burgers, dip your fries in it and maybe you even use it as a substitute for tomato sauce (nod judgments). But alas, ketchup is not king of condiments in these United States. No, it would appear that the tile of Most Popular goes to that polarizing condiment, mayonnaise. [More]

Can Store-Brand Ketchup & Mayonnaise Ever Taste As Good As Your Brand-Name Faves?
When I was a child, many of the items in my kitchen cupboard were in plain white containers with red and black block lettering, so I learned early not to be a brand snob — with a couple of exceptions. I am one of those people that turn into a sour-faced 4-year-old whenever I find my only ketchup and mayonnaise options are generic store-brand versions. But my cohorts at Consumer Reports claim that there are comparable, less expensive generics available for these and other pantry staples. [More]

Should You Have To Pay For Extra Ketchup At Fast Food Joints?
For years, some McDonald’s have been charging extra for additional McNugget dipping sauces or other non-ketchup condiments. But charging for extra ketchup is rare, except in Manhattan, where more than a dozen Golden Arches are tacking on a fee for the red stuff. [More]

Only Bad Things Can Happen When You Abandon Thousands Of Bottles Of Counterfeit Ketchup In A Warehouse
Taking huge, commercial-size bladders of Heinz Ketchup and repackaging it into smaller plastic bottles may not seem like that insidious of a scam, until you think about what else might be getting added to the sweet red goo — and what happens when you leave a few thousand bogus bottles of the stuff in a warehouse unattended. [More]

Our Nation's Brightest Minds Tackling The Problem Of Uncooperative Ketchup Bottles
Thank goodness there are super smart people out there at our nation’s finest universities. Otherwise we’d be stuck with these darn ketchup bottles that refuse to give up the last bits of ketchup, and that would just be unacceptable. Hurray for genius engineers! [More]

Heinz To Sell Upmarket Version Of Ketchup
Heinz didn’t get the message that it’s unfashionable to cater to the 1% crowd. They’re coming out with a 58th variety of ketchup. A kind for fancypants. It’s more “upscale” because it uses balsamic vinegar instead of white wine vinegar. [More]

Make Your Own Ketchup, No HFCS Necessary
If you’d rather not have your ketchup sweetened by sketchy high-fructose corn syrup, you may want to consider making your own. [More]

Food Companies Start Listening To Customers, Ditch High Fructose Corn Syrup
Do Americans feel strongly enough about high fructose corn syrup to seek out food without it? Will anyone go out of their way and pay extra to find soda or ketchup without the controversial corn-based sweetener? AdAge reports that some companies are removing it from their products, but have discovered that marketing the change without alienating consumers who weren’t aware of or simply don’t care about the presence of HFCS poses unique problems. [More]