Irish Cafe Tells “Loud American’s” & Other Tourists To Stay Away

(Twitter: @mauricecampbell)
The sign in the window of the cafe in Waterville, County Kerry, clearly “No Bus/Coach” customers, but what’s less clear is why the owner originally wrote “or Loud American” before changing it to “Loud American’s.”
Perhaps he was ticked off by some American pedants who nitpicked his writing?
Regardless, since the cafe is apparently located in a part of town frequented by tourists, and since other businesses in the area rely on these visitors, others in the area are rushing to say that the crudely written sign does not represent the local sentiment. According to CNBC, the Waterville Business Association is planning to “celebrate their unique Waterville-American relationship.”
Meanwhile, I’d like to enact a ban on Irish guys who angrily kick in the glass doors of McDonald’s and pepper spray the staff.
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