Police: Woman Tried To Smuggle Sex Toy Out Of Store In Her Kid’s Stroller

Police say the store manager saw the suspect “select a vibrator from the love unit” beofore moving to the “t-shirt cube” where she allegedly stuffed the toy behind “a young child in the stroller,” reports The Smoking Gun, citing the incident report from the cops.
She then left the store, and was followed by a worker who demanded she give back the purloined item. The Spencer’s employee confronted the suspect and reportedly “retrieved the merchandise from the stroller” and walked back inside.
Things could’ve ended there, but the manager claims the suspect than tried to come back into Spencer’s, so she called the police. The woman was cited for shoplifting, booked into county jail and later released.
Cops: Woman Tried To Shoplift Vibrator By Hiding Device Behind Her Child In Stroller [The Smoking Gun]
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