10 Things You Should Never Buy At The Dollar Store

A few weeks ago, we presented you with a list of 15 things that you should buy at the dollar store. Okay, great, but it’s a big store: there must be something that you should avoid, either because of crappy quality or because paying a dollar isn’t such a good deal. Right?
Over at Wisebread, they wrote up a list and also flipped it around, detailing ten items you should buy at the dollar store and then that you should avoid.
1. Electric Appliances
If it has an electric plug, don’t buy it. Counterfeit Underwriters Laboratories seals are a thing, so that’s no guarantee of quality. Just stay away.
2. Plastic food storage bags, plastic wrap, aluminum foil wrap
Offerings at your dollar store may vary, but the quantity and quality of these offerings just doesn’t measure up.
3. Kitchen utensils
It might seem like a good idea at the time, and it’s only after you’re dealing with a melted spatula or shattered paring knife that you rethink your choices.
4. Vitamins
Now experts say that maybe we shouldn’t be taking so many vitamin supplements in the first place. You’re better off visiting a health food or drug store for your supplements if you do want to take them, though.
5. Toys
This depends on the age of your kids, but the toys available in dollar stores might just be flimsy junk, or could be dangerous.
6. Medicine
By the time they hit the dollar store, meds could be expired, stored in sketchy circumstances, or they might be counterfeit to begin with. Stay away.
7. Oven Mitts and Potholders
You might question this until the day when your cheap potholder melts. Buy something made of, you know, cotton.
8. Soda
Usually not such a great deal in dollar stores – watch for deals in grocery and big-box stores, if you’re going to drink soda at all.
9. Tools
You buy a $1 hammer, you’re going to get $1 of use out of it.
10. Chewing Gum
Like soda, the deals at the dollar store aren’t great. Watch for deals elsewhere.
10 Things You Should Never Buy at the Dollar Store (and 10 You Should) [WiseBread] (via)
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