Busting Through Broken Doors, Empty Elevator Shafts: Sochi Bobsledders Had A Tough Weekend

We’ve been hearing reports back from the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, from reporters saying their hotel rooms have been, well, less than finished or those that came with beers already under the bed. But it seems athletes aren’t immune from the shoddy shenanigans: over the weekend two different bobsledders had a bit of a close call with malfunctioning parts in the Olympic Village.

Within six minutes of each other on Saturday, bobsledders Rebekah Wilson (Britain) and Johnny Quinn (U.S.) tweeted evidence of some pretty hairy situations.

Wilson tweets that she was greeted with the the abyss of an empty elevator shaft when she walked out her door to find the doors already open into the yawning chasm of doom. Or something like that.


She explained later that yes, this was in the Olympic Village, but that she didn’t even have to press the call button, the shaft was just… waiting for her.

And then there’s our great American hero Quinn, who found himself trapped in his room’s bathroom when the locked door refused to become unlocked. Despite the lack of protein-filled Greek yogurt, he managed to bust straight through the door in time to make an interview with the Today show that he was perilously close to missing. It’s helpful that the door appears as though it’s partly made with cardboard.

That shot has been retweeted more than 27,000 times by now, so go ahead and do that if you haven’t already. Because America!

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