Bank Of America Addresses Junk Mail To “Lisa Is A Slut”

The source of the “Is A Slut” middle name has been traced back to the Golden Key International Honour Society database.
Freelance writer Lisa, whose middle name is not “Is A Slut,” posted a photo of the letter to Twitter yesterday after her mom alerted her to its arrival.
And it’s not just the outside of the letter that contains the unpleasant and inaccurate moniker. The text of the enclosure also refers to her this way.
“Lisa Is a Slut McIntire, you’ve earned this special offer,” reads the letter, trying to sell her on some financial service tied to her membership in the Golden Key International Honour Society:
The recipient says that even though she’s a feminist writer, she didn’t think the “slut” reference is directly targeted at her.
“I don’t think that’s what happened here,” she tells the L.A. Times. “My working theory is that this is some data entry person [messing] around. I don’t think it’s aimed at me.”
It appears that the source of the “Is A Slut” name isn’t Bank of America, but the Golden Key database.
McIntire tells the Times that a rep for the organization contacted her yesterday to apologize and say that someone made that change to her name at some point between 2004 and 2008.
A rep for Golden Key then confirmed with the Times that “This error happened on our end, and not with Bank of America.”
Lisa says a rep for BofA, which has publicly apologized for the incident, called to explain that they usually have traps set up for key words to prevent this sort of problem, but that “slut” was apparently missing from that list of words.
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