Cute Puppy Chews Deodorant Can, Causes Explosion

(luis cerezo – similar-looking puppy pictured)
We’re not quite sure how this happened, but it’s an important cautionary tale for all pet owners. A British couple says that their puppy’s chewing antics caused an explosion that did about $3,300 in damage to their home. Bad dog.
Of course, puppies can’t read. The pup stole and chewed up a deodorant can, but couldn’t read the warnings that caution consumers not to do things like puncture the can or place it near a heat source.
Adolescent pups like the six-month-old whippet mix like to chew anything in sight and even a few things that are out of sight, and Zeus the puppy chewed on the can a bit, puncturing it. Then, reports Metro, he left it next to the gas-powered fireplace. When the house’s boiler came back on, the can exploded, blowing out the living room window.
The couple were out of the house at the time. “We were out in the car when we received texts saying our house had been blown up,” explained the dog’s owner. They came home to find fire trucks putting out the flames. Fortunately, all of their pets escaped to safety.
Puppy BLEW UP house after chewing through can of DEODORANT – causing £2,000 damage
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