Overturned Semi Sends 40,000 Pounds Of Holiday Ham Rolling Into Traffic

This ham salutes its fallen brethren. (jpmarth)
It must be a very stressful situation to be in charge of ferrying precious cargo from here to there, especially when it’s say, bottled beer or cheese, or other things people are looking forward to consuming. Which makes this holiday ham spill in Georgia especially upsetting — with 40,000 pounds of ham jamming up the highway, will there be a Christmas meat shortage? Perish the thought.
Gotta give full “ham jam” credit to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, which was on the case of the meat spill on an interstate ramp in Fulton County, Ga.
A tractor-trailer on its way to Texas with its holiday load overturned about 4 a.m. on the ramp, spilling diesel fuel and hams onto the road. The driver wasn’t seriously injured, but the cab of the truck was destroyed. There’s no word on the condition of the pork.
“I didn’t see no signs that there was a curve,” said truck driver. “Going 40 mph and trying to find the turnoff to 85 and when I saw the arrows, I tried to brake.”
The ham blockage kept the ramp closed for hours yesterday morning, which would be a total headache for your morning commute… Unless someone handed you a free ham.
Ham jam closes south Fulton interstate ramp [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
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