18 Cats That Can’t Resist Lounging In Amazon Boxes Image courtesy of (protohiro)
As everyone who has owned a cat or seen the Internet knows, cats love boxes. America’s cats aren’t quite sure what to make of the news that Amazon has increased the free Super Saver Shipping threshold to $35, from the original $25. On the one paw, this might mean that their households will be getting fewer packages from Amazon and fewer boxes to lounge in. Or could it drive more cat owners to get Amazon Prime and thus have more boxes to lounge in?
We’ll find out soon enough, but the cats are getting ready. We noticed that there are a lot of pictures of cats in Amazon boxes in the Flickr pool that we use to illustrate our posts. [edit note: This post originally did have 18 images of cats but sometimes things happen, and for various reasons a few photos have since been removed. Still plenty of cats for everyone!]



(Nazra Z.)



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