If Smartphones Get Smell-O-Vision, Everyone Needs To Stop Taking Photos Of Their Feet

Listen, technology is great and all, but based on the amount of people on Instagram who won’t stop posting photos of their feet (Standing here! Walking there! Wearing shoes!), I’d prefer it if it doesn’t get too advanced to the point where smell-o-vision isn’t restricted to simulated cooking smells. Because yes, someone has invented a smelly thing for smartphones.
Straight out of Japan comes Scentee, reports Foodbeast, an app that’s designed, apparently, to help poor college students and diners on a diet eat less. Which in itself is a questionable, if not pretty unhealthy goal.
While we do not condone subsisting only on lettuce with just the smell of meat cooking to tide you over, the fact remains that the Scentee exists. It’s a squarish cartridge you attach to your smartphone, pull up a photo of whatever is cooking on the app and then let the fake smells waft over you.
There are smells like apple, coffee and cinnamon roll so far, with meat arriving in November. Just please keep feet out of it and also, eat actual food, people. Nutrients are important.
Watch the demonstrations in the somewhat creepy video below. Again, do not nibble on lettuce and rely only on the smell of other food. Can’t say it enough.
Japan Invents ‘Smell-o-Vision’ for Smartphones, Cartridges That Emit Mouthwatering Scents [Foodbeast]
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