The iWatch Is Apparently A Real Thing In That Apple Applied For A Trademark In Japan

In a highly technological world where it seems like there’s nothing new to get excited about — Flying cars? Whatever. Holograms? Yawn! — one thing that has a consistent buzz around it is the oft-rumored iWatch. An iPad for your wrist, a stylish accessory for the techiest techie! In other words, what digital dreams are made of. But before now, there wasn’t much solid evidence that Apple was working on such a thing…. (dramatic pause) until now.
Apple has applied for a trademark for the name iWatch in Japan, reports Reuters, citing a patent official there. But what could this possibly mean, you might be (but probably aren’t) thinking?!? It would seem likely to the duncey-st of dunces that Apple is working up the momentum to debut a watch-esque device so we can compute while we accessorize.
The trademark application was submitted June 3 and covers computers, computer peripherals and wristwatches. It’s unclear at this point how long that process will take before it’s approved or rejected, and Apple so far hasn’t commented on the application.
CEO Tim Cook had said in the past that the company is totally digging the idea of wearable products, but he didn’t seem entirely convinced that everyone will jump to buy such items.
“There’s nothing that’s going to convince a kid who has never worn glasses or a band or a watch to wear one, or at least I haven’t seen it,” Cook said.
It seems like many people can’t leave the room without knowing where their smartphone is, so if you could just strap it to your body, you’d never, ever have to part with it. Except in the shower or otherwise wet circumstances — mudslides, roaring rapids, whathaveyou.
Also worth noting on the Google front — the Wall Street Journal reported last week that the company is working on a wristwatch that would run on Android. The heat is ON, folks.
Apple applies to register ‘iWatch’ trademark in Japan [Reuters]
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