We Are Shocked, Simply Shocked That Business Is Booming At Restaurant With “No Kids” Policy

(WUSA 9)
There is a sound cherished by many diners, and it’s the sound… of silence. That’s not always easy to achieve at restaurants that cater to all ages, which is why one new sushi joint in Virginia has instituted a “no kids” policy. And apparently, that lack of anyone under the age of 18 is helping the new place do gangbusters business. And honestly, do kids even like sushi? I know I didn’t — it was all squishy and stuff.
Before it even opened, the restaurant had issued its ban on little ones, which is a bit controversial among the locals, reports WUSA 9.
“We by no means hate children or think they don’t belong in restaurants,” the co-owner explained. “They just don’t belong in this particular one.”
He and his business partner have a smattering of other eateries in the area, all of which allow children. It’s just that this one doesn’t. He says they got the idea when seeing that other restaurants on the street were packed with kids. They wanted to offer grown up customers another option, a safe haven from the stress and noise that kids can sometimes bring.
The co-owner says the sushi spot has been doing great business after a week of being open, with a full house every night.
“We have received great feedback, both on the food and the no-kids policy.”
Of course, he notes, just because there’s a no kids policy doesn’t prevent any adults who might act like children. You know the sort.
Previously in adults-only dining: Restaurant Just Says No To Children Under 6
No Kids Policy Of A New Sushi Restaurant in Del Ray, Alexandria, Va. Seems To Be Paying Off [WUSA 9]
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