Perhaps You Would Like A Fridge With A Built-In Sodastream Or Hot Water Dispenser

Also, it has four doors for some reason.
The carbonation canister sits in a hidden compartment next to the more pedestrian water/ice dispenser. What isn’t clear is whether this glorious example of corporate cooperation will let you use the SodaMod, a handy valve that lets you adapt cheaper and refillable paintball carbon dioxide canisters for use with your Sodastream.
Maybe you don’t like fizzy water. That’s okay. Do you like tea? Instant coffee? Feed powdered formula to your baby? In other exciting fridge-water-door technology news, General Electric now offers a model that dispenses hot water from the door. Our optimal-temperature colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports checked out these advances in fridge technology at the International Builders’ Show earlier this year in Las Vegas. Here’s a video they made of G.E.’s hot water offering.
Psst! The new Samsung refrigerator dispenses sparkling water [Consumer Reports]
Builders’ Show: GE refrigerator dispenses hot and cold water [Consumer Reports]
SodaStream Customer Service Finds It Hilarious That Its Products Send Me Straight To The Toilet
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