Get The Latest News Headlines… With Your Restaurant Receipt

On the right is your restaurant receipt. On the left is the scrap of paper you will probably throw out in 20 seconds.
Washington, D.C., eatery Old Ebbit Grill has become a test case for a program that would give diners a slip of paper, in addition to their restaurant bill, full of the latest stories from the Associated Press.
The idea is apparently to “leverage thousands of existing restaurant printers as a new worldwide printing press,” according to this press release about the not-at-all-silly-or-wasteful idea.
Of course, it’s also about making money through ads that would go on the soon-to-be-completely-disregarded-and-discarded slip of “Latest News.”
Not surprisingly, the first company to try advertising in this format is Domtar, a biggie in the paper industry, which hopes to promote the use of paper because no one really likes trees anyway, right?
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