My Dyson Vacuum Cleaned My Carpet, Then Shredded It

The offending model.
Consumer reactions to Dyson vacuum cleaners reminds me at times of reactions to Apple computers. (Remember that? When Apple only made computers?) Fans rave about the vacs, can’t imagine life without them, and claim they’re worth every penny. Detractors grouse about the prices and claim they’re equal to or even worse than similar but much cheaper competitors. R. is now a Dyson detractor, but only after buying one and having it break. Now he says that his carpet is wrecked and he has a useless $600 vacuum cleaner.
Dyson vacuums are over-priced, over-marketed, pieces of flimsy plastic junk!
They destroy carpets, and many of them are made of flimsy plastic.
I purchased a Dyson DC41 Animal Vacuum in July for $600. Less than three months later after very light use, a frail and thin part of the base plate broke and gouged tears in my carpet, several feet long.
I contacted Dyson and told them about how the vacuum damaged my carpet and they had me send in photos of the damage and the bottom of the vacuum. I didn’t notice that a little part of the base plate was broken. They noticed the broken base plate and pointed it out to me as the cause. I told them that it was their fault, since I didn’t abuse the vacuum and it broke, because it is made of flimsy plastic. They denied all responsibility and liability.
I have done some research and I have read many reports of Dyson vacuum fraying carpets and such, due to to powerful suction, stiff bristles, and self adjusting base plate – it gets too low and there’s no way to self adjust it. I have also read many complaints of how flimsy this particular model is and also Dyson vacuums, in general.
Dyson bombards with ads and has a great marketing campaign, but the truth is that their vacuums eat carpets and are made of flimsy plastic.
One of the fastest ways to get a company to stop corresponding with you is to claim their product ruined something expensive, then demand unspecified “compensation.”
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