Bed Bath And Beyond Applies Coupon After The Fact, Alerts Me To Rebate Image courtesy of (cbowns)

My wife and I had some traveling English friends stay overnight. So I set up the air mattress and of course the 3 and 6-year-old jumped on it and it was limp in 10 minutes. So at 9:00 at nite I’m running out to get a new one. I dug around in the glove box for those 20% off coupons that Bed Bath and Beyond mails out all the time and came up dry. So i went to the store anyway and paid $270 for a twin Aerobed. The visit went perfect and the bed is awesome but it was bugging me that i did not use a coupon and save the $50 or so…
I later found an expired 20% coupon in the house and went to Bed Bath and Beyond today. Rather then buying a new one and returning it like I planned, I went to the front desk and was honest and asked if there was anything I could do? The very nice girl at the counter gave me the refund with no problem then asked if i did the rebate? “huh? rebate? uh oh, no.” She then asked if I had the box still and I said I though we tossed it. She gave me the rebate form, another $50!, and then figured out a way to print out a new UPC sticker for me.
I ended up saving another $50 bucks for being honest and saved myself a trip and having to lug the “returned” bed back and forth. The store I went to is in [redacted] PA and I thought that it was great that they were so helpful!!! It made my day and I got 100+ bucks off on a 5 day old purchase!!
See, Consumerists? Honesty pays better than return fraud. At least, it does in this case.
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