Samsung Shares E-Mail Address For Reaching Executive Customer Service

It seems like just 22 hours ago that Samsung USA was asking Consumerist to redact its CEO’s e-mail address from a reader’s comment. Since then, the electronics biggie has admitted that maybe that wasn’t such a great idea, and now the company has agreed to provide Consumerist readers with a new e-mail address that connects customers who have exhausted the usual customer service channels directly to Samsung’s executive customer service.
A rep for Samsung tells Consumerist that is a way to escalate complaints directly to customer service.
Keep in mind that this is only for customers who have already called 1-800-Samsung and been unable to resolve their issue with the front line of the company’s customer service.
Thus, we ask that people not use this e-mail address until after they have first gone through the usual channels, as most questions and problems can be resolved just by calling 1-800-Samsung. Skipping the line and going straight to executive customer service for most issues could backfire and just cause the company to start redirecting these e-mails back into the regular customer service queue.
Let’s keep this address open and functional for the customers who really need it. And let’s hope that more companies will choose to share their executive customer service contact info.
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