New Best Buy CEO To See What It's Like To Actually Work For Best Buy

New Best Buy CEO Hubert “Don’t Call Me Q*bert” Joly is settling into his comfy new digs at the company’s HQ this week, but the former hotel & restaurant chain exec says he plans to jump into the Best Buy pool with both feet by finding out what it’s like to work for the retailer he now runs.
“I want to not learn our businesses from the headquarters,” he explains to Reuters. “I want to learn from the front line.”
Thus, Hubie will be putting on a blue shirt and go through training that includes serving customers, stocking items, accepting returns — and venturing out with the Geek Squad crew.
“The last time I worked in a store was in 1975,” he says.
Of course, Joly faces the looming shadow of company founder Richard Schulze, who is attempting to buy back the company and who recently got the okay to look over Best Buy’s books.
So if any of our readers in Minnesota happen to see a 53-year-old Frenchman trying to upsell them on useless warranties or demanding a photo ID to accept a return, take a look at his name tag — you may be talking to the company’s new CEO.
In the unlikely event that anyone manages to get a photo of themselves with Mr. Joly in uniform, please do send it our way.
Thanks to Klay for the tip!
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