Personal Finance Roundup

(Ninja M.)
8 Reasons You’re Not Earning the Salary You Want [US News] “Not getting the salary you think you deserve?”
Consumers Prefer to Get More Rather than Pay Less – Because They’re Bad at Math [Moneyland] “Is it better to get more or pay less?”
A Complete Guide to Saving at America’s Baseball Stadiums [Wise Bread] “The 411 on how to save more money at every Major League Baseball stadium.”
Answers to your awkward money questions [CNN Money] “What do you do about a spouse who won’t help with the finances or a pal who can’t repay a loan?”
How Married Couples Can Boost Their Social Security Checks [SmartMoney] “There are certain complex strategies that can help pad a married couple’s retirement savings with tens of thousands of dollars of additional income.”
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