Disney Cruise Line Places Alleged iPhone Thief On Administrative Leave

Well, “Nelson”… If you really did take a passenger’s iPhone while working on a Disney cruise ship, it was silly of you to take photos of your stolen phone shenanigans, because now you’ve been caught.
Disney Cruise Line says it’s placed an employee on “administrative leave” (so we aren’t positive it’s Nelson) while it investigates the alleged theft of a passenger’s iPhone, reports USA Today.
Katy says she was a passenger on the Disney Wonder in April when her phone went missing. Then the phone recently started uploading photos to her iCloud, showing a crew member named Nelson. She figured he was the phone thief, and started posting his adventures in a Facebook photo album.
Now, someone else could have done the stealing or perhaps Nelson just found the phone. In any case, Disney is aware of the Facebook photo album and is taking this very seriously. The phone has been recovered and a spokesperson said it will be returned to the guest once the cruise ends.
“We have a zero tolerance policy for this type of behavior,” the spokesperson added. “We are taking aggressive action.”
Disney Cruise Line investigates alleged theft of iPhone [USAToday]
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