Chili's Introduces Touch Screens At Tabletops So You Can Avoid Human Contact

Maybe you’re just not a people person, but you love to eat out at chain restaurants. Bing bang boom — Chili’s has come up with a great way to avoid talking to a waitress while ordering and even paying for food with new touch screens installed at every table at some of its Minnesota locations. Three cheers for the socially awkward!
Why interact with your fellow diners or even your server, when there are buttons to tap on a screen and games to play. The newfangled installations are called “Ziosks” by Chili’s, reports WCCO-TV in Minnesota.
And there’s also an added incentive for parents who don’t want to deal with their kids melting down during a meal — $0.99 for unlimited games on the screen.
When it’s time to go and you’re in a hurry, the Ziosk also accepts credit card payments so diners don’t need to flag down the server. But despite all this technology, Chili’s insists they’re not going to be cutting down on servers.
“This will never replace the server. We are in the service industry and all it’s going to do is enhance the guest experience,” says Chili’s Area Director Aaron Keske.
For those who don’t want to spend the meal caressing a screen, you can always go the traditional route and have a normal conversation with your server.
Touch Screens The Future For Restaurants? Chili’s Thinks So [WCCO-TV]
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