Legislators Totally Cool With Required Drug Testing Unless It Applies To Them

(VA Trish)
One way to get a politician to withdraw a bill requiring drug-testing for welfare applicants? Just tell him lawmakers also have to get tested, and see how fast he boomerangs. Rep. Jud McMillin, a Republican member of the Indiana General Assembly, took back his drug-testing bill after one of his helpful Democratic colleagues amended it ever so slightly.
The Huffington Post says Rep. McMillin, the sponsor of the bill advocating a pilot program for welfare applicants to be drug-tested, decided to withdraw it once his colleagues made a few tweaks.
“There was an amendment offered today that required drug testing for legislators as well and it passed, which led me to have to then withdraw the bill,” he said.
His reasoning is that it’s currently considered unconstitutional to require drug testing for political candidates, and he wanted to make sure the bill wouldn’t be struck down because of that. However, the precedent involved was for candidates, not those already in office.
The amendment was introduced by Rep. Ryan Dvorak, a Democrat.
“After it passed, Rep. McMillin got pretty upset and pulled his bill,” Dvorak said. “If anything, I think it points out some of the hypocrisy. … If we’re going to impose standards on drug testing, then it should apply to everybody who receives government money.”
McMillin is going to reintroduce the bill, he says, adding that it’s not that he minds being drug tested, showing his willingness by saying, “Give me the cup right now and I will be happy to take the test.”
Who’s got a cup?
*Thanks to Gally for the tip!
Welfare Drug Testing Bill Withdrawn After Amended To Include Testing Lawmakers [Huffington Post]
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