Man Poses As Liposuction Surgeon, Flushes Fat Down Toilet After Surgery

When you’re undergoing an operation, it’s preferable to have a surgeon with a medical license. But an unsuspecting San Francisco woman wasn’t so lucky, going under the knife of an impostor who allegedly pretended to be a physician assistant, performed liposuction and ended up flushing the fat down her toilet.
According to the L.A. Times, the suspect charged the woman $3,000 for the surgery. He put her under local anesthesia and had her hold her IV bag as he operated while smoking a cigar. The woman suffered an infection and had to undergo another procedure to recover.
The suspected fake doctor could be locked up for as many as 12 years and faces charges that include practicing medicine without a license, false impersonation and a version of assault.
Patients looking for bargains should check out the doctor’s credentials and read up on any complaints filed against him.
Man impersonated doctor, performed liposuction, officials say [L.A. Times]
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