Wells Fargo Admits To Sending Thousands Of Statements To Wrong Addresses

Need another reason to make the move to paperless bank statements? How about the fact that one of the nation’s biggest banks managed to send thousands of its customers’ statements to the wrong people?
The folks at Wells Fargo have confirmed to media outlets in Florida and South Carolina that some customer statements — it wouldn’t confirm a number but there are reports of nearly 4,000 in Florida alone — were sent to incorrect addresses due to a printer malfunction at a Wells Fargo office in Charlotte, NC:
The error occurred from a single printer malfunction that printed all of the affected statements. It’s no longer in service until the bank is sure it has diagnosed and corrected the problem. It regrets letting customers down and apologizes for any inconveniences it may have caused.
We are providing all customers whose statement were mistakenly mailed out with one year’s worth of free ID theft protection.
(The) printer malfunction is not related to the recent Wachovia-Wells Fargo merger.
Wells Fargo mixed up customers’ bank statements [WSOCTV.com]
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