Can't Anyone At LinkedIn Help My Employer?

The magic of the internet is that a company can have a huge, even ubiquitous presence, but a relatively small staff and an even smaller consumer-facing staff. We’ve featured a plenty of examples over the years: Facebook, Gmail, Skype… Time to add LinkedIn to the list. S. is in charge of social media for an unnamed organization, and has been trying to make LinkedIn’s way of sorting employers recognize the organization’s structure. It’s not happening, and there’s no clear way to reach someone with power at the site for help.
Here’s S.’s problem:
Has anyone else had issues getting assistance from LinkedIn? I’m having a problem that I can’t get resolved.
I’m the Social Media Coordinator for an organization. We have sister organizations, but our e-mail domain is separate. Our email is Other affiliates have their own LinkedIn page – but everyone who registers for LinkedIn and names us as their employer gets thrown in with another affiliate because of the domain and the fact that we do not yet have our own LinkedIn page. We want our own page like our sister affiliates. I e-mailed LinkedIn customer service once and got a “same domain name has to share a page, sorry” auto-response, but clearly that doesn’t apply since other affiliates have their own and are not just getting thrown under the broader organization.
Even if we can’t have our own LinkedIn page (which I think is silly… it’s not the same HR department, the jobs are completely different, the leadership is different, what we do is different…), if we could even make it so that folks who work for us would get thrown under the broader organization, that would be BETTER than under another affiliate, for whom they have never worked.
I have e-mailed LinkedIn customer service no fewer than six times in the two months since my original e-mail. I followed all the instructions on how to get help if their response didn’t answer your question. I tweeted them, and I posted on their Facebook page. NOTHING is getting an answer from them, and I don’t know what to do. How do I actually get an answer from them? Please help, hive mind!
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