Your New Part-Time Job: Waiting For Dish Network

Matt doesn’t want anything unreasonable from Dish Network, his television provider. He just wants someone to come fix his high-definition channels in a timely manner. In theory, he doesn’t have a problem with waiting for technicians to show up, but he’s being asked to take entire afternoons off to wait for technicians who show up late or not at all.
Ah, Dish Network. No HD channels. They said a technician would arrive between 12 and 5. Waited all day. Nothing. Came at 6:15. Said everything was fixed, just a small adjustment to the dish was required. Technician left his number and said to give him a call if it didn’t work. Same problem developed later that night. Called back the technician the next day. He said he would be out on Sunday to resolve the issue. Never called or showed.
Called Dish Network today. Sorry sir, the first appointment will be between 12 and 5 on Monday June 6th. Wait…excuse me. You expect me to believe you will be here between 12 and 5 again?
“There’s an old saying in Tennessee – I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee – that says, fool me once, shame on – shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again.” – President George W. Bush, Nashville, TN, September 17, 2002This repeated issue of 12 – 5 time frames are unacceptable. I can live with it once, but you didn’t fix my problem. I deserve an exact appointment.
Well, at least an exact appointment that they show up late for is better than a five-hour time frame that they don’t show up for at all. Unfortunately, we don’t have any extra-special contact information for Dish that could be used to fix this mess. Twitter users can try chirping at them: that seems to be the most efficient way to get through to customer service.
Customer Pulls Shotgun On Late Dish Network Repairman
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