In Wake Of Tragedy, Tucson Goes Wild For Gun Fair

Just days after a shooting rampage northwest of Tucson left six dead and 13 wounded, a gun show near the city drew 8,000 attendees.
The Telegraph reports the heavy turnout was a reaction to the perceived threat that the tragedy will bolster the cause of gun control advocates.
The Telegraph spoke to the president of the gun show, which hits Tucson five times a year: “Any time gun owners feel their rights to use firearms lawfully may be challenged, they turn out in numbers,” the owner said.
While senseless incidents such as the one in Tucson, my hometown, cause some to yearn for more restrictions on gun access, they convince others that gun ownership needs to be more prevalent so innocents can better defend themselves.
Did the massacre change the way you feel about firearm ownership?
Arizona shooting: business booms at Tucson gun fair [Telegraph]
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