The Best Thing You Can Do With Budget Advice Is Keep It To Yourself
If you’re savvy enough to read Consumerist you probably know your way around a budget, and the more you think you know about money the harder it is to resist sharing your unsolicited advice with others.
But you’re best off keeping your wondrous financial knowledge to yourself, Linsey argues on Finances Your Way.
Among the five reasons she offers as to why you should stifle your money-advising instincts is the prospect that your vast knowledge won’t be appreciated:
Do you ever wonder why some people ask about how to true up their budget, only to ignore or dismiss everything you say? Some folks find budgeting difficult, not because they can’t do math, but because they despise limits. It’s probably OK to say “maybe you should skip buying a new purse dog this month” but don’t be surprised (or hurt) when they come home with a new furry companion, a seasonal puppy wardrobe, and the poshest pet bed on the market. (Remember that some spending comes from emotional issues.)
Another reason Linsey reasons you should bite your tongue is because on the off chance your advice doesn’t work out well, you could be held liable for the outcome.
What’s your policy on financial advice distribution?
5 Reasons To Keep Your Budget Advice To Yourself [Finances Your Way]
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