GameStop Can't Get Promised Preorders Bonuses To 'Enslaved' Players

GameStop dangled a comic book and t-shirt as incentives to get gamers to preorder Enslaved: Odyssey to the West during a promotional period, but when the game came out last week, the retailer couldn’t provide the goods.
Cheap Ass Gamer rounds up complaints from gamers who were burned by the screw-up.
Tiffany from Gaming Angels,who submitted the story to us, tracked down GameStop for comment and received the following revelations:
1.The manufacturer of the shirts and comics actually has not yet provided GameStop with the goods.
2.GameStop wants to get the items out, but until they actually have them…well, they can’t very well get them to everyone that pre-ordered.
3.The promotion itself was very vague. If you pre-ordered online (the only way to get in on the promo), but opted to pick up your copy of the game in-store, unfortunately, you might not get the items. It depends entirely on how many shirts and comics they get. There was no specification referring only to shipped items, however.
4.In the event that the item manufacturer flakes out completely, GameStop may be able to offer some kind of condolences, but we won’t know unless that happens.
If you’ve ever been burned by unfulfilled preorder swag, share your story.
(DEAD) TODAY (8/31) ONLY! Preorder Enslaved: Odyssey Get T-shirt and Comic Book [Cheap Ass Gamer via Gaming Angels]
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