Sprint Said It Would Refund $10 Fee For TV On My Phone, Changes Mind

(J Dailey)
William says A Sprint customer service rep assured him his current plan would let him watch premium TV channels from his phone. When he couldn’t access those channels, he checked with Sprint again and says he was told to accept a $10 monthly service charge to get the channels and the company would reimburse him.
Now William says Sprint reneged on the promise and is ignoring him. He writes:
The new representative said to accept the $9.99 monthly charge and that they’d credit me right away for the charge. When the bill came, the $9.99 charge was on my bill with no credit. I e-mailed Sprint’s customer service, but they completely ignored me. I e-mailed Sprint’s CEO, but I still did not receive a response. I filed a Better Business Bureau complaint, but Sprint’s response to the complaint was to provide me with a list of their TV channels.
If you watch premium channels on your phone, Sprint or otherwise, what do you pay to get ahold of the content?
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