Watch Out For Ripoffs At Secondhand Stores

Secondhand, used and outlet clothing stores can be treasure troves for bargains, but you need to keep your wits about you as you stroll the aisles. Take it from Bob, who says four Goodwill locations were charging unrealistic prices for items.
He writes:
I am writing to you prior to writing a letter to the President and CEO of Goodwill Industries, Jim Gibbons concerning the ridiculous prices found on Goodwill merchandise over the past year.
My wife and I often visit 4 Goodwill retail stores in our area which is [redacted]. We have noticed that the prices on merchandise in the stores have almost become laughable (though sad for the income challenged). I have seen a consistency of this horrific pricing at the various stores so I believe they are using a formula or list of recommended prices to mark merchandise as it comes in the door. You will often see a price that the individual who prices the object guesses at and is way off the mark. I mean something that is a cheap Chinese knock-off that looks like an antique, priced as an antique.
It has gotten worse and worse with each trip to our local stores. Often, a price is much higher than what you would pay for a similar new item at Walmart. I hear shoppers in the store complaining all the time that the prices are absurd. These stores are supposed to help the poor and low income families but items are now carrying boutique prices. It is like they are catering to the wealthy because it is suddenly trendy to buy something at Goodwill. I am sure this is all well and fine for Goodwill executives that make a much higher salary than those at Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul’s.
Have you noticed unreasonable prices at Goodwill or any supposed discount shops?
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