Comcast Took My NFL Network Away Just As Season Begins

Comcast’s long, bitter struggle with the NFL Network ended last year, but that was only the beginning of the cable giant’s waffling over whether or not to charge customers extra for the channel.
I subscribe to Comcast’s Digital Starter package and was flabbergasted last season as Comcast gave and took the channel away every few weeks without explanation. William is in the same boat and was unable to access the channel for the weekend’s slate of preseason games, while I had access to the channel. He writes:
So I woke this morning looking forward to a day full of football. I thought I would start by turning over to the NFL network, which for the last year, has been included in my Digital Starter subscription. To my horror, I got a message on the screen telling me to call to order. This couldn’t be right, I thought, so I went to the comcast website to double checked the lineup for Memphis,TN. To my aboslute disgust, I found that the NFL Network has been moved to something called the Sports Package, which is extra.
I absolutely plan on switching to DirecTV immediately.
Comcast Digital Starter subscribers, do you have the channel these days? Did you get it last year?
Previously: Want NFL Network, Comcasters? That’ll Still Be An Extra $60 (Or $200) A Year
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