What’s a $145 billion cable company to do when it keeps losing pay-TV subscribers? Judging by Comcast’s recent actions, the answer would be “raise prices,” but the company’s CEO admits that this isn’t exactly a tenable business model… except he’s not talking about cable TV rates. [More]
do as I say not as I do

Parents Calling To Make Sure Their Kids Aren’t Driving While Distracted Are Distracting Their Teenage Drivers
Teens and driving are already a combination that makes many an adult quake in fear. Throw cell phones into the mix, and parents (and the rest of us who have to share the road) get downright desperate. Distracted driving is definitely dangerous. But the next time junior borrows the keys to the family station wagon, mom and dad may want to remember that calling him to remind him not to text his friends doesn’t actually cut down on distractions — it just means they are the distraction. [More]